
Papers, Models, and Cameras....OH MY!

Today was a hectic day....i woke up with 80 million things to do before i had to leave and go to school and do even more things. I was super excited for this shoot i had tonight at 6 after my class i had a great model and a really good makeup artist, yet the makeup artist cancelled this morning and that just added on to the list of things i needed to figure out. Finally i got to school and dealt with all that crap and was still freaking because...no makeup artist....and god knows i can not do my own makeup let alone a models! 
So Stuart came to my rescue he had the idea of calling Macy's downtown and asking the MAC people if they could do it for me, and they did! Which i ended up knowing the guy and it turned out so great and I'm sooo extremely grateful. 
My creative mind was on a break today, because i could not for the life of me think of poses but it seemed to work out good. MINUS the fact there is something seriously wrong with my camera and I'm scared. The focus is all messed up and random parts are in focus and idk what to do...so its pretty much hit or miss with my images...now that i think about it i should of used one of the schools cameras...ughh oh well right!?
This week is insane, I'm trying to back up images onto DVDs right now because i think my computer is getting full....:-( 
I'm really excited for Wednesday me and Emily are heading to McConnell's(sp?) mills to shoot...very excited.
Well I'm off to bed, more homework to do tomorrow and now more editing....it seems like i can never get one shoot all edited and done, before another one pops up...ugh goodnight!

Everyone go out and VOTE tomorrow! (for Obama...hehe)
seriously....go vote....

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