Hey guys you should check out this awesome site that prints your images on canvas and you dont need to stretch them! I have seen the product in person and it is very nice and professional! I highly recommend them!
My assisining day in New York City
Long time...no post!
So it has been a very long time since I have posted anything on here, and since I am revamping all my sites and such I figured I should get on this... There has been so much going on lately with being so close to graduation and trying to get my portfolio together its a lot to do in a little bit of time. (this also means I am super stressed)
About a month ago I got a great opportunity to drop everything I was doing...literally, and drive 7.5 hours to New York City and assist for Billy Kidd. (check him out) All thanks to my awesome friend Lauren Loncar (check her out!)
The experience was like no other, just being in that city and hunting around for bagels when I had NO idea where I was, was an adventure in itself.
Last week was pre-portfolio review..duhduhduhhhhh (for anyone who understands how intense that is) My review overall went really well they said a lot of things that I know I need to work on such as diversity in models, need to shoot men, and more creative spots. Out of all critiques I really appreciated this one teachers comments. Jon Lisbon has been there for me since fashion class which was about 1.5 years ago and he has seen me start from my worst work ever to now and he stated that and said how far I have come. That alone made me very happy to know that he has kept dibs on me and has been watching my work become more of what it should be.
I just found out about an hour ago that my friend Lauren will be coming to Pittsburgh to visit and is shooting for Maniac magazine and she asked me to assist...which I am excited for, I enjoy assisting for her, we have good times :)
I have some shoot ideas lined up and contacting models to build up my portfolio!
About a month ago I got a great opportunity to drop everything I was doing...literally, and drive 7.5 hours to New York City and assist for Billy Kidd. (check him out) All thanks to my awesome friend Lauren Loncar (check her out!)
The experience was like no other, just being in that city and hunting around for bagels when I had NO idea where I was, was an adventure in itself.
Last week was pre-portfolio review..duhduhduhhhhh (for anyone who understands how intense that is) My review overall went really well they said a lot of things that I know I need to work on such as diversity in models, need to shoot men, and more creative spots. Out of all critiques I really appreciated this one teachers comments. Jon Lisbon has been there for me since fashion class which was about 1.5 years ago and he has seen me start from my worst work ever to now and he stated that and said how far I have come. That alone made me very happy to know that he has kept dibs on me and has been watching my work become more of what it should be.
I just found out about an hour ago that my friend Lauren will be coming to Pittsburgh to visit and is shooting for Maniac magazine and she asked me to assist...which I am excited for, I enjoy assisting for her, we have good times :)
I have some shoot ideas lined up and contacting models to build up my portfolio!
me rambling about random stuff
I need summer to come, this constant change in weather is making me sick. I want it to be warm and stay warm. I just started my new job and its awesome! i cant wait to make all this money and get a new wardrobe haha. I need to get away from Ohio and PA. i need to go somewhere over summer break, where idk yet.
Lucero is this wednesday and I am beyond excited. It is going to be amazing and I cant wait. Is it wednesday yet?
There has been something on my mind lately. I heard someone say it and decided to analyze it in my mind.
"Im not looking for a serious girlfriend."
Now I don't think everyone is out there deliberately looking for someone to be their next love of their life. We all go about our lives and yes some of us want a boyfriend or girlfriend more then others. But when you do meet someone and its prefect, your gonna throw it all away because you don't want a serious relationship. You cant help when you meet someone, what time in your life that one person shows up. The way i see it is its life and its unexplainable and you just have to go with it. Nothing ever works out as we have planned it. No matter how much we think it can or will.
So i finally got back to my church out here, ive been stuck back and forth from pa to ohio so my first sunday back. I was hoping one of the pastors were going to talk they are so moving and get my mind really thinking, but neither did today, guess there is always next sunday! But i did find out that The Last Hope is playing this saturday and im really excited for that, ive really wanted to hear them live for some time now. I miss my friends, lately ive lost contact for a stupid reason. I always seem to put sooo much more into things then other people and its not fair to me, so im stopping right now. But anyways back to friends, i miss them!!! forgot how awesome my friends are.
So i watched this movie last night, bc i was alone and bored, called Dead like me:Life after death. It was strange, but interesting i guess. Then i tried to watch SLC punk because a long time ago my one friend in high school said it was good...oh and netflix doesn't have shit to watch instantly so i caved and i watched half of it then stopped it and went to bed. Seriously i cant watch something that has literally no point.
Im dying to see the new Crank its probably gonna be horrible, because sequals usually are..but im still excited because Jason Statham is in it and im madly in love with him. But today i bought Catch Me if You Can with leonardo dicaprio...so tonight will be movie night alone just me popcorn and leo. Well i think im done rambling about pointless shit, bre is probably gonna read this and roll her eyes at me lol (love you brebre).
(this poster is awesome, nice photography, should prob. have something in this post about it huh)

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